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combacte News Item

Midterm Project Review COMBACTE Projects

In the last week of June 2018, the three COMBACTE projects COMBACTE-NET, COMBACTE-MAGNET and COMBACTE-CARE were scheduled for their Midterm Project Review at Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)’s head office in Brussels.

COMBACTE-MAGNET kicked-off on Tuesday June 26, followed by COMBACTE-CARE on June 27, and COMBACTE-NET on June 28. These were whole day meetings where progression of the work carried in all work packages were presented to the IMI panel of independent experts.

Positive comments

Overall the three projects showed significant progress and thus received mostly positive comments from the panel of Reviewers. By reviewing all three projects one after another the reviewers could much better assess the impact of the COMBACTE networks, CLIN-Net, LAB-Net, STAT-Net and EPI-Net, working through in the individual clinical trials for which they gave positive marks. They emphasized that these four networks represented an enormous potential value for present and future clinical trials in the area of antimicrobial resistance, and encouraged the COMBACTE teams to continue their hard work in further consolidating and sustaining these networks.

The three reports issued after the meeting expressed and formalized the appreciation for the separate projects and the parts that interact between the projects. They also include valuable recommendations for improvements.

The three COMBACTE teams are reviewing the reports and are building an updated project plan for the future period. The team will submit the plans and answers to the recommendations to IMI later this month.


“We Take Bigger Steps Together”


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