combacte News Item

COMBACTE at AMR Conference

On 24-28th August, the 4th AMR Conference took place. As opposed to last year, when the conference was held in Berlin, Germany, the 2020 edition was held entirely online. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose challenges to face-to-face events, many such scientific conferences organizers are turning to online platforms. It is a much welcomed alternative for international attendees to still be able to gather and share knowledge on vital healthcare topics, especially during an infectious diseases crisis.

The AMRconference is a platform for SMEs, start-ups, big pharma, academia, investors and public institutions to discuss strategies and the specific challenges faced by SMEs in bringing new antimicrobial treatments and diagnostics to the market ; Its major supporting partner is the BEAM Alliance  (Biotech companies in Europe combating AntiMicrobial Resistance),  network of more than 70 European biotech and diagnostics SMEs committed to developing innovative products for fending off antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

Each conference day covered a focus topic with selected LIVE sessions and high-level panels. Additionally, scientific poster presentations, virtual 1:1 meetings, and engaging within the new digital AMR stakeholder platform were available throughout the whole week.

COMBACTE at AMR Conference

COMBACTE’s Programme Manager Ron de Winter and Da Volterra’s CEO Florence Séjourné co-held a presentation on COMBACTE past and present activities and milestones, as well as the advantages and challenges of an IMI public-private partnership for SMEs such as Da Volterra. The presentation highlighted the value of a large European clinical trial network in tackling antimicrobial resistance and speeding up the development of new treatments against it, looking forward to ECRAID*’s set-up.

The AMR conference gathered almost 450 international AMR experts in 26 live sessions providing a consistent overview of the current AMR industry and resulted in engaging discussions.


* ECRAID – European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases – aims to establish a self-sustaining clinical research organization and network for infectious diseases. It will be ready to operate from 2021, and will be prepared to respond to infectious diseases that are of public health concern to Europe by carrying out cutting-edge research. ECRAID will provide sustainability for the clinical research networks and infrastructures currently funded through COMBACTE and PREPARE.


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