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EPI-Net Publishes “Bridge the Gap: Survey to Treat” One Health White Paper Series and COACH Systematic Review

EPI-Net Publishes “Bridge the Gap: Survey to Treat” One Health White Paper Series and COACH Systematic Review

COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net in collaboration with the JPIAMR’s ARCH Network has published 4 White Papers in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy to facilitate implementation of One Health antibiotic policy interventions driven by surveillance data on antimicrobial consumption (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The results of EPI-Net’s COACH project (Consensus group on antimicrobial surveillance to drive stewardship) which laid the ground work for this “Bridge the gap: survey to treat” series has been published alongside as a systematic review. The full-length articles are available as open-access publications.

The White Paper series promotes the linking of AMU and AMR surveillance data to antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and provides consensus-based practical guidance to any stakeholder looking to establish or implement AMS activities under heterogeneous economic settings that include low- and medium-income countries as well as in contexts with limited expertise in surveillance/AMS.

Guidance is provided as list of actions tailored for different settings: hospital, outpatient, long-term care facility; or veterinary and focusing on three main topics: 1) AMS leadership and accountability; 2) surveillance of AMU for AMS; 3) surveillance of AMR for AMS. For practical purposes, the lists of actions for each setting have also been published as easy-to-follow, downloadable checklists here.


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About EPI-Net

COMBACTE's Epidemiological Network EPI-Net is a a European network to harmonize and connect various European systems of disease surveillance, by linking clinical, microbiologic, and public health data. EPI-Net maps and organizes available surveillance systems in Europe. EPI-Net will complement the general COMBACTE-NET backbone by strengthening our ability to monitor the spread of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance across Europe. In 2018 EPI-Net launched the first-of-its-kind European platform that connects various national and international European surveillance systems for infections and outbreaks due to antibiotic resistant bacteria by linking microbiologic and epidemiological data.


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