Invigorating private-public partnership

The COMBACTE program brings together leaders in the field of antimicrobial resistance, from both public and private sectors. Specialists from universities, hospitals, laboratories and industry. Skilled in microbiology, epidemiology, drug development and clinical trial design. All truly collaborating as mutual experts, combining knowledge, sharing data, findings and insights.

Collaborating in COMBACTE

In COMBACTE scientists from industry and academia are working together for the first time in history on a mutual objective: finding novel treatments for antibiotic resistant infections. Already over 910 hospitals and 740 laboratories are participating. Together with industry partners AstraZeneca, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Da Volterra, AiCuris, and Jansen. Sharing insights, performing trials, working shoulder to shoulder in labs.


The collaboration is invigorating to both parties. Major results are no doubt in the offing. More comprehensive and accurate insights, better trial designs, and improved vigor for conducting trials. All to speed up the process of developing novel treatments and finding promising results.

A united front

A private-public partnership was inevitable. Firstly, getting around bacterial defenses is scientifically difficult. Secondly, regulatory requirements make running clinical trials of new antibiotics far form trivial. Finally, there is a lack of financial incentives to develop them. No institution, company or country can solve these problems on their own. For academia and industry continuing to work in their own respective ‘bubbles’ would be both highly inefficient and a waste of precious resources. Antimicrobial resistance requires a united front.

Sum greater than the whole

The industry is providing their top-tier molecules, and expertise in regulatory, assay development and large-scale operational capability. In addition to resources and funds, ensuring the availability of sufficient resources. And the academic world is providing extensive knowledge of treatments, disease mechanisms and medical needs. And, due to an impressive network of hospitals and laboratories across Europe, quick access to subjects. As well as an enormous capacity for performing high-quality clinical trials.