combacte News Item

COMBACTE Launches Last Magazine

COMBACTE launched its last magazine at ECCMID 2023 in Copenhagen. The magazine focuses on project’s impact, and features articles and interviews with our (former) academic and EFPIA partners.

COMBACTE launched its last magazine at ECCMID 2023 in Copenhagen. The magazine focuses on project’s impact, and features articles and interviews with our (former) academic and EFPIA partners, such as Elodie Pfender (CHU Limoges), Rienk Pijpstra (Pfizer), Kerrie Davies (University of leeds). We also enjoyed COMBACTE’s Scientific Coordinator Marc Bonten, and the IHI Scientific Project Manager Nathalie Seigneuret's insights on the project’s primary achievements.

C for Collaboration

The four COMBACTE projects (NET, MAGNET, CARE and CDI) are highlighted in the magazine, emphasizing the results and impact they have had in clinical trial research (in AMR).

We’ve also featured several COMBACTE trials, and some great testimonials from our colleagues.

Especially worth noting is the value collaboration has had within COMBACTE. A fact that surfaces from every featured article and interview. The trust, transparency and open communication were key to the successes the projects and studies have achieved.

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  • Trust has been built during these years, and there is a wish to continue this collaboration. We aim for the same goals

    Marc Bonten, Scientific Coordinator COMBACTE Projects

European Commission’s Insight

We’ve had the honor to have featured Ms. Irene Norstedt, the Director of the Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission, in our Foreword.

Ms. Norstedt stressed the critical infrastructure that COMBACTE has established to fight antimicrobial resistance. This infrastructure, which now continues in Ecraid, will allow us to further build on the achievements in COMBACTE, and continue to be play a pivotal role in the context of infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness.

COMBACTE Launches Last Magazine

Next-generation collaboration

The networks COMBACTE has built in its ten years of running, are continuing in Ecraid – the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases. The last pages on the magazine gives you the story of what Ecraid is, and what it offers.

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  • Ecraid’s purpose is to reduce the impact of Infectious Diseases, which affect both individual health and society as a whole.


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