Celebrating Success: Major Achievement in COMBACTE-CARE

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combacte News Item

The Importance of Being Transparent

Communication: why do we do it? In our experience a private-public partnership yields many unprecedented rewards. In the interest of our current and future partnerships, we must respond to any skepticism. The only way to do so is to ensure transparent communication each and every day: about how the collaboration is proceeding, our day-to-day-work and – most importantly – our results.

Promoting the achievements of the project is crucial for our long-term future.


The Importance of Being Transparent 1 The Importance of Being Transparent



“We Take Bigger Steps Together”


COMBACTE's Last General Assembly


COMBACTE Launches Last Magazine

COMBACTE launched its last magazine at ECCMID 2023 in Copenhagen. The magazine focuses on project’s impact, and features articles and interviews with ...