Celebrating Success: Major Achievement in COMBACTE-CARE

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Laboratory Network
A network of microbiology laboratories delivering high-quality and standardized information on microbial strains and antibiotic resistance. Data from this network will guide the selection of clinical trial sites for particular treatments and will provide microbiological information that will be needed during the execution of such trials.

LAB-Net maintains an extensive pan-European network of microbiology laboratories. The objective is supporting antibacterial drug development via various clinical trials. The overall objective of LAB-Net is to establish, train, and maintain a high-quality geographically representative European laboratory network. The network consists of routine diagnostic laboratories, specialized research microbiology laboratories, and a central coordinating laboratory at the University of Antwerp.

Providing microbiological information

Together we deliver high-quality and standardized information on microbial strains and antibiotic resistance. This will guide the selection of clinical trial sites for particular treatments and provide such trials with microbiological information.

State-of-the-art expertise

LAB-Net is supported by state-of-the-art laboratory expertise needed to underpin the development of optimal diagnostics in the various clinical trials. We form an indispensable part of the COMBACTE network, fully complementary to CLIN-Net, and closely linked to the clinical studies.

COMBACTE-CARE WP2B Study Receives Official Name

Key members

  • Christine Lammens

    LAB - Laboratory Manager / Academic / UZ Antwerpen

  • Daniele Pazzola

    Communications Manager / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen

  • Herman Goossens

    LAB - Laboratory lead / Academic leader / UZ Antwerpen

  • Leen Timbermont

    LAB - Scientist / Senior researcher / UZ Antwerpen

  • Tomislav Kostyanev

    LAB - Other, please specify / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen

  • Tuba Vilken

    Senior Researcher / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen