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combacte-net News Item

ASPIRE-SSI: Last Patient Last Visit

After having completed the 5000-patient enrollment in October 2019, ASPIRE-SSI has been moving forward performing site closings and final data collection and cleaning. The team is happy to announce that the last patient last visit was completed on the 30th of January. This is a major achievement for the team and the COMBACTE community.

Thirty-two out of the 33 sites participating in ASPIRE-SSI have now been (pre-)closed. Closeout visits are nearly complete, as is medical monitoring, with some ongoing query follow-up. Almost all samples have been shipped to LAB-Net at the University of Antwerp. Database lock was planned for the 1st of May but given the coronavirus pandemic the deadline has been postponed until June.

The ASPIRE-SSI study team is proud of the enormous number of collaborating experts who have made the enrollment in this study a success. This includes investigators, sub-investigators, research nurses, microbiologists, lab staff, COMBACTE partners, collaborating national coordinators, and of course the patients who participated in the study.

This milestone was achieved thanks to the tremendous dedication and hard work of all those involved. A long journey made possible by their continuous commitment!


The ASPIRE-SSI study was conducted in 33 hospitals across 10 countries in the European Union. Patients participating in the study underwent one of the following types of surgery: craniotomy, mastectomy, open cardiac surgery, ICD implantation, trauma surgery and emergency, hip prosthesis surgery, knee prosthesis surgery, laminectomy, spinal fusion, central artery reconstruction surgery or peripheral artery bypass. It is truly a great achievement of the local teams who performed screening and follow-up activities, with many different wards and departments from their institutions involved. Flexibility and expertise of the CLIN-Net research teams has been shown with this study during the past three years!


ASPIRE-SSI (Advanced understanding of StaPhylococcus aureus Infections in EuRopE – Surgical SiteInfections) is a prospective, observational, multicenter cohort study performed with adult surgical patients as subjects. The study aims to engender advanced understanding of Staphylococcus aureus infections in Europe (ASPIRE) incurred in surgical site infections (SSIs). The primary objective of ASPIRE-SSI is to determine the incidence of S. aureus SSIs in various adult surgical patient populations.

More about ASPIRE-SSI

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