combacte News Item

The Power of Networks

The Power of Networks

COMBACTE is dedicated to building strong clinical, laboratory and research networks across Europe that will enable more efficient clinical testing of novel antimicrobial drugs. Time and time again the advantages of working within a network have been demonstrated by the great amount of results and milestones achieved through collaboration.

Many of the COMBACTE academic and EFPIA partners are not only part of the COMBACTE network, but also other national and international networks in the infectious diseases and microbiology field. We spoke to our academic partners from Spain Dr. Jesús Rodríguez Baño (University Hospital Virgen Macarena, Seville) and Dr. José Miguel Cisneros Herreros (University Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Seville).

Both are part of the REIPI and ANCRAID Networks. REIPI is the Spanish network for research aimed at improving developing high quality basic, translational and clinical research in the area of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. ANCRAID is the Andalusian Network for Clinical Research in Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Rodríguez Baño and Dr. Cisneros Herreros’ hospitals are part of the COMBACTE network, and two of the top performing sites in our network. The two of them talk about the benefits of being part of (inter)national networks.


What are your specific roles in the REIPI and ANCRAID networks?

JRB: “I am Scientific Coordinator of the REIPI and ANCRAID. I am one of the coordinators of the COVID@Spain trial and principal investigator of the convalescent plasma trial (part of ANCRAID). Therefore we serve as hubs in Spain for all international initiatives and coordinate the activities”.

JMCH: “I am the head of the research group at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville and I am a member of the scientific and executive committee of REIPI and ANCRAID.

In ANCRAID I am the coordinator of the clinical trials area for nosocomial and healthcare-related infections, and MDR microorganisms. The main objectives are the uptake of trials of scientific interest promoted by external companies in infectious diseases and specifically, phase I and II trials and the economic resources associated with them and promote the conduct of independent clinical trials led by Andalusian researchers”.

Project Management in Clinical Trials 2
  • Networks are key to disseminate information, coordinate efforts and facilitate all procedures. They offer the opportunity to participate in high-level multicenter research studies, either leading or participating in projects.

    Dr Jesús Rodríguez Baño & Dr. José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

How are REIPI and ANCRAID contributing to fighting this pandemic?

JRB: “REIPI and ANCRAID provide information to all members (REIPI at a national level and ANCRAID at a regional level) about proposed projects and trials. They help the sites in contract agreements, IRBs approvals and research procedures as needed. We also lead some projects.

REIPI has developed the national cohort COVID@Spain initiative, together with SEIMC. It included data from over 4000 patients from more than 120 hospitals in Spain, and already has produced four scientific articles.

ANCRAID is helping in the development of trials on convalescent plasma, mesenchymal cells, sarilumab and vitamin D, and is also collaborating in the development of REMAP-CAP, BRACE and MERMAIDS in Spanish hospitals”.

JMCH: “Carrying out four multicenter studies in collaboration with the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) that have generated useful knowledge to fight the pandemic. Two have already been published:

  • Working within a network during the COVID-19 pandemic certainly helps. The structure of the research network has made it possible to quickly and efficiently launch different multicenter studies, some of which have already published results.

    Dr. José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

“We Take Bigger Steps Together”


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