combacte-magnet News Item

EVADE Rejuvenation Meeting

On the 25th of June the EVADE study team from CHU Limoges and MedImmune organized a meeting for investigators participating in the study. The objective was to boost study enrollment by sharing success storiesand inviting investigators to bring forward study challenges and issues.

Protocol overview

Both academic and EFPIA leads in the EVADE study, as well as clinical trial managers from PPD (the contract research organization involved in the study) held presentations during the event.

Management Board Member COMBACTE-NET & MAGNET and EFPIA lead Dr. Hasan Jafri (MedImmune, US) and Academic lead Prof. Jean Chastre (Hospital Center University Pitié-Salpêtrière, FR) kicked off the meeting.

Dr. Jafri provided a high-level protocol overview comprising the enrollment update, protocol changes, and results of the pharmacokinetic interim analysis. Following these, Anne-Laure Simond (PPD, FR) talked about screening processes.

Dr. Bruno François (CHU Limoges, FR) – academic lead EVADE and management board member COMBACTE-NET – then talked about patient profiles of randomized subjects in the study.

Success stories

Principal investigators and sub-investigators from French, Greek, and Turkish sites shared stories behind the high recruitment rates at their sites. Prof. Jean Chastre, Dr. Bruno François, Dr. Dimitrios Bampalis (General Hospital of Larissa, GR), and Dr. Koksal (Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon,Turkey) spoke about screening approaches, eligibility, informed consent, and randomization. The investigators stressed the importance of transparent communication and teamwork in boosting recruitment and explained how they successfully applied the protocol within their local hospital settings and cultures.

Open forum

After a general update on the COMBACTE project, participants had the floor to ask questions and address any common study challenges and issues.

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Dr. Nithya Babu Rajendran Reflects On COMBACTE-MAGNET




PPI: The Advantages Of Involving Patients in Clinical Research